Actually, it is a sentence that contains content of this field, but it has collected from various sentences.Please look at the reference.1.Waymoway mode is almost 10 years ago on Google’s automatic driving project.The start of this point, the start is actually more than six years ago.Currently, the automatic driver taxi in Phoenix region.In July 2018 is declared that the system is declared that the system is not only automatically operated by other areas and other states.Theways have a hundred thousand miles in the U.S. public road.And it is a kind of simulation, but it is a few million miles to the end of last year.When you see the below, the video analysis technology information about how the road mode is easily detected and the video analysis technology to pass through the intersection.
What Waymo is focusing on now seems to be two main things: (1) finding the safest way, (2) changing lanes safely with the least movement. 2. Tesla first released an autopilot provided by Mobile Eye, a third-party system, in 2014. Autopilot at the time originated from a driving support system that maintained lanes in certain environments, such as highways. This system naturally requires driver attention, and it was in 2016 that it had its own system. Although Drive on Navigation was released last year, it is actually a system that allows users to move from place to place on the highway without driver assistance. Please watch the video below from 17:30.
“Hardware 2.0,” which was first released in October 2016, boasts a powerful autonomous driving function consisting of eight cameras, ultrasonic sensors, and GPS (without riders). You can see his ability to see the future here, but existing manufacturers plan to put all these expensive hardware in all vehicles sold unexpectedly. Since then, we have already grasped the importance of data.
[Must read] This is the Master Plan, Part Deux created and announced by Elon Musk in 2016. April 22, 2019: Self-driving related…
It is reported that the accident rate occurs once every 3.34 million miles when the autopilot is operated, and one per 1.92 million miles without autopilot. It is about twice as stable. Tesla has secured 1.2 billion miles of semi-autonomous driving mileage so far, and Elon Musk said in 2016 that he believes that about 6 billion miles can pass regulators. Unlike Uber and Waymo, vehicles with Hardware 1.0 and 2.5 are already in operation, and if self-driving technology matures, it has the strong advantage of being able to use them as self-driving taxis or shared vehicles immediately.
Tesla’s cars also began identifying traffic lights.
Recently, the evaluation book 1. Navigator Research Tesla ranked 19th out of 20 companies. But the standard is interesting. (vision; go-to market strategy; partners; production strategy; technology; sales, marketing, and distribution; product capability; product quality and reliability; product portfolio; and staying power) 웨이모를 위한 평가라고 본다. If you want to draw it as it is, you might as well.
2. “Tesla Autopilot is not yet close to where Waymo was six years ago.Waymo has launched a simple ride-hailing network, but in most cases it also has a safety driver. It will be an amazing achievement for Tesla to reach that level in such a short time.” 각종 블로그, 전직 웨이모 직원들의 평가테슬라는 절대 자율주행을 할 수 있는 하드웨어를 갖추지 못했다。 절대 테슬라는 자율주행 못한다는 것이 키보드 워리어들의 주장이다.4. Autolist의 소비자 설문조사테슬라가 당연히 1등!!! 소비자들은 아무래도 기술에는 관심이 없어서인가? 아님 테슬라가 마케팅을 잘해서인가? 웨이모는 화날만 하다.
“The reputation as leader in Tesla’s autonomous field, was hit by a major blow.AUTOMATIC pilot system has a faithful follow and excellent reputation for several attention to the people who have a high-quality crash and driver monitoring system. 론막市民的半リーダーの運転クラッシュとしてしれませんに 머스크가 기행에 Public company에 어울리지 않는 여러 언행등… 문제는 많지만, 현존하는 가장 획기적인 아이디어를 가진 혁신가임은 분명한 사실이다。 완전자율주행에 그의 천재성을 한 번 믿어보는 건 어떨까? Space X의 랜딩 장면으로 다시한번 힐링한다.”Tesla’s reputation as a leader in autonomous areas has been hit hard over the past year. The semi-automated autopilot system has loyal follow-up and excellent publicity, but concerns about some high profile crashes and driver monitoring systems may be undermining the public’s impression of Tesla as a potential leader in autonomous driving spaces.” 막론으일···…론지 머스크가 기행에 Public company에 어울리지 않는 여러 언행등… 문제는 많지만, 현존하는 가장 획기적인 아이디어를 가진 혁신가임은 분명한 사실이다。 완전자율주행에 그의 천재성을 한 번 믿어보는 건 어떨까? Space X의 랜딩 장면으로 다시한번 힐링한다.